httpdbg - pytest

You can use httpdbg to trace the HTTP requests in your tests for debug using pyhttpdbg, or to save an export of the traces in a test report using the pytest plugin pytest-httpdbg.


pytest-httpdbg is available on pip.

pip install pytest-httpdbg


pip install httpdbg[pytest]


pytest-httpdbg has been tested on:

  • Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12.
  • Pytest >= 7.0.
  • Linux, Windows, MacOS.


The pytest-httpdbg plugin is mandatory to trace the HTTP requests in your tests only if you want to execute the tests in parallel using the plugin pytest-xdist.

Here is an example of test file:

import pytest
import requests

def a_post():
    return"", json={"demo": "in-fixture"})

def test_post(a_post):
    assert a_post.status_code == 200
    assert ("", json={"demo": "in-post"}).status_code
        == 200

def test_get():
    assert requests.get("").status_code == 200

You can use pyhttpdbg to execute pytest like for any module.

pyhttpdbg -m pytest -v examples/

pyhttpdbg console

Open http://localhost:4909

httpdbg web interface


You can use httpdbg to save the trace of the HTTP requests in your test report.


  --httpdbg             record HTTP(S) requests
                        save httpdbg traces in a directory
  --httpdbg-no-clean    do not clean the httpdbg directory
                        add a new initiator (package) for httpdbg

generate report

For this example, we will use pytest-html to generate the report.

You can copy the following code in your top-level to include the logs into your report.

import os

import pytest

from pytest_httpdbg import httpdbg_record_filename

def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
    pytest_html = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin("html")
    outcome = yield
    report = outcome.get_result()
    extras = getattr(report, "extras", [])

    if call.when == "call":
        if httpdbg_record_filename in item.stash:
            report.extras = extras

This example works if you use the same directory for the html test report files and the httpdbg logs. If this is not the case, you must adapt it to your configuration.

Run the tests using the pytest command.

pytest examples/ --httpdbg --httpdbg-dir report  --html=report/report.html

pytest console

Open the test report in a browser.


There is a link to an HTTPDBG trace export for each test. Open it using a markdown viewer.

httpdbg markdown export